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Global Application of AutoClassification for Oil & Gas Industry

Case Study

Using PowerHouse to identify & target files for Legal Hold


An international $200 billion global group of energy and petrochemical companies, with 92,000 employees in more than 70 countries, had a big data issue typical of large multinationals that grow by acquisition. With new responsibility for corporate-wide Information Governance added to the already considerable eDiscovery and Litigation workload, the corporate legal team needed a strong solution that would scale to their needs.

Solutions Applied:

Products Used:


From a single recent acquisition, they found themselves with a 200 GB+ fileshare (~ 370,000 documents) that no one knew anything about. What were those files? Did they contain important or sensitive information? Did any of that material belong under Legal Hold, or some other retention criteria? How much of it was just redundant, obsolete or trivial (ROT)?


Valora installed a customized Tier 7 PowerHouse solution in our private cloud, allowing the Client full access to all of PowerHouse’s benefits without the burden of maintenance or the infrastructure needed to run it. Supporting over 1TB of data processing per day, the PowerHouse Rules Engine was adapted to the Client’s unique determinations for Legal Hold and relevance. Valora’s BlackCat data visualization platform seamlessly reported back on which documents needed to be held for Legal Hold, which ones were irrelevant to daily document use, and which documents were duplicates, freeing up a significant portion of the active document database.


This effort was, and continues to be, so successful that Valora is currently in talks with Client offices and teams across the globe, for Records Information Management and Information Governance use cases ranging from Legal Hold to Relevance to Contracts Analysis to Email AutoClassification.