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AutoClassifying the 3 R’s: ROT, Records & Retention

AutoClassifying the 3 R’s: ROT, Records & Retention

On-Demand Webinar

As the volume of data continues to grow within our corporate data environments, it becomes increasingly more complex to navigate, locate and manage data in siloed data repositories.

In this webinar we delve into the transformative aspects AutoClassification technology has on these three critical areas:

ROT: See how AutoClassification technology can be used to identify and manage Redundant, Obsolete, or Trivial (ROT) information; and learn about the significant benefits of purging unnecessary data which not only frees up valuable storage space but also streamlines data management and enhances data protection efforts.

RECORDS: We will discuss the intricacies of managing Records efficiently, ensuring that vital business information is accessible and organized. Through the power of autoclassification, learn how to enhance accuracy, compliance, and information governance.

RETENTION: Understand how to automate retention schedules, reduce manual workload, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Whether you are a records manager, IT professional, or data governance officer, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge to leverage autoclassification for a more robust and efficient records and information management system.