
Explore Valora Technologies’ Resource Library for helpful articles, videos, presentations,
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  • Webinars
  • Data Minimization

Beyond ROT: Mastering Data Minimization & Least Privilege

In this webinar, we will dissect the top challenges and considerations confronting organizations in their pursuit of effective data minimization strategies.

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  • Blog
  • AutoClassification
  • Data Classification
  • Information Governance

The Importance of Data Classification and the Benefits of True AutoClassification

Data Classification is a fundamental aspect of managing information within an organization. By classifying data, you gain greater control over your information, leading to improved data security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

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  • Webinars
  • Data Classification
  • Data Migration

Don’t Lift & Shift, Lift and Sift! AKA: How to Migrate Correctly

Join this session with two of the industry’s standout leaders who will discuss best practices for large-scale, complex data migrations.

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  • Blog
  • Data Classification
  • Data Minimization

What is Data Minimization?

Data minimization is the reduction and removal of data that no longer serves its stated business purpose. Data minimization is one of the most important practices your organization can follow to properly manage personal data – and comply with global privacy laws.

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  • Blog
  • Data Classification
  • Data Minimization

Data Minimization Examples

To help demonstrate good (and bad) practices regarding data minimization, we’ve gathered up a few real-world examples for you to consider.

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  • Webinars
  • Data Classification
  • Virtual Vault

Implementing a Virtual Vault with AutoClassification

Learn what a “Virtual Vault” is and how AutoClassification can be leveraged to tie your organization’s content together across time, space, people, and topics.

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